Tensile tests during incoming goods inspection

Especially in today’s world, the highest quality and production standards play an increasingly important role. In order to be able to offer this to our customers, thorough incoming goods inspection and material conformity testing is an absolute matter of course at HUEHOCO.

0 % tolerance – for 100 % customer satisfaction

Trust is good – control is better. For us, quality begins with the receipt of goods. Because our zero-defect tolerance naturally applies not only to our own work, but also to the material we deliver, which we subject to the most stringent tests. With the help of roll-peel tests or tensile tests, we ensure that the material can meet our high standards – and thus also the expectations of our customers.

The tensile test

In tensile testing, our quality assurance specialists clamp a strip of material in the tensile testing machine to determine its mechanical strength. Our specialists are supported by modern software. The tensile testing machine is connected to a computer, which provides a meaningful analysis from the elongation of the material at a given force to fracture.

The roll peel test

In addition to the tensile test, a roll-peel test is performed in our quality assurance laboratory to evaluate the adhesion strength of the adhesion promoter in plastics or elastomers. For this purpose, two test pieces are bonded together. Then a pulley is attached to a test piece, which is connected to our tensile testing machine. Using computer analysis, we can then determine exactly what force is needed to separate the two test specimens. This results in the exact adhesive force, which can then be evaluated according to the specifications.

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